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> How to make Normal Mapping in GIMP
Posted: Jun 1 2014, 10:52 AM
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Everyone here is how to recreate the normal mapping as seen in texture files with cars in Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Carbon, etc. They are the textures that would have N at the end of its name.

First you are going to want to download the normalmap filter for gimp 2.8 if you have that version.



Then install it by copying the normal.exe. & its dll files in the C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins directory.

user posted image

1. open GIMP up and then import your tga, bmp, png, or dds file if you have the dds plugin installed.

2. Go to the filters menu, then hit maps, & Normalmap should appear after the plugin has been installed.

user posted image

3. The window should look like this, to make the depth you feel it should be play around with the scale controls I recommend setting it to 16.00000.

4. Then select the wrap button & hit ok and the texture should look like this.

user posted image

5. export the file the same way as you would when doing tgas, or vidwalls for Highstakes.

6. If the normal mapping has an alpha channel mask see AJ's tutorial on how to make it transparent or if its already been done.

NFSHS - Editing alpha channels with GIMP

To the same thing with exporting DDS files see my tutorial on how to make DDS files.

This post has been edited by CVPI19 on Jul 13 2020, 12:26 AM

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